"I love the way it offers a form of companionship, however virtual, for my dogs. I know they see it as just another posh toy, but the security of being able to watch them and talk to them is priceless.”

By Gareth Butterfield

Published: Jan. 10 2025

Enabot EBO Air Review:   
I left a cute little robot in charge of my pets and the results were hilarious

(Honey and Rupert size up the Enabot Air robot)

Leaving pets at home when you go out can often be a leap of faith. I've got two dogs and they're very well behaved. They don't mind me being absent for a few hours, but one of them has a penchant for eating tissues from the bin, and the other one is terrified of window cleaners  (don't ask).

Because I like to keep an eye on what they're up to, over the years I've invested in a few WiFi  cameras around the house, and it's great for keeping watch on them. But I can't cover every  inch of my home, and following them around is tricky.


This is why I was absolutely itching to test a new gadget called the Ebo Air, from Enabot. I'm a big fan of robotic technology, and this one is pretty simple, as robots go, but it does a brilliant job of keeping track of my two pooches.


Shaped a bit like a small motorcycle helmet, it sits on grippy tracks and its "visor" hosts an HD camera and a basic digital display. Inside lurks some pretty clever artificial intelligence technology and a laser pointer. I'll come back to that.


"Ebo" links up to your home WiFi and sits on a charging base, ready to be called into action through a well-designed smartphone app.


So while I'm out, I can load up Ebo's control panel, use a virtual joystick to move it around, and track down each of my pets.


Honey, my three-year-old Labradoodle, the one who hates window cleaners, is a bit wary of Ebo, especially when I use its speaker to remotely talk to her through it. But Rupert, a five-year-old Cockapoo, absolutely loves it. He follows it around and watches it as it bumps into things, falls over and rights itself, all the while making cute, electronic noises.


It's not just a pet-minding and home security device, though. It's also a plaything. Ebo has a pre-programmed set of manoeuvres in it that see it whizzing around in a jaunty way designed to trigger a pet's interest and play reflex. And the best bit for my dogs is its laser pointer. Press a button on the smartphone's video display and it'll project a little red dot that's guaranteed to drive dogs and cats wild with excitement.

So I could be sat in the pub but still following my dogs around. Telling Rupert off for nicking tissues, comforting Honey because a guy's just propped up a ladder on the neighbour's house, or actually playing with them and watching their joyful responses on my phone screen. It's brilliant.


There are even some other potential uses for Ebo. You could keep an eye on an elderly relative, or use it as a communication tool for family if you're having to work away. Its software enables it to automatically track and follow a human or pet, so, in theory, it'll never lose sight of them.


That's the theory. While the tracking system is excellent, Ebo does have a habit of getting stuck from time to time. And if it gets stuck while you're in the supermarket, there's no way of freeing it. I tried asking the pets through the remote intercom, but they just looked at me blankly.


Ebo is also supposed to have sensors in to stop it falling down the stairs, but that simply didn't work during my testing. Thankfully though, it's really robust, so although Ebo does make some rather plaintive noises, it always survives and I still haven't got a mark on it.

But there's a lot to like about it. I love the way it offers a form of companionship, however virtual, for my dogs. I know they see it as just another posh toy, but the security of being able to watch them and talk to them is priceless.


And I love the fact I can save pictures and video of them getting up to mischief and playing, and I love the way Ebo automatically returns to its base when its battery starts running low. "I'm going home to charge", it announces, in its unique accent. Cute.


So I've loved having Ebo Air in my life. The dogs love it too. It's not without its flaws, but there are so many potential uses for something like this, so its versatility is almost as endearing as its cute little noises. I guess I now have three pets.

EBO Air  Pet Robot Movable Camera 

Keep Your Pets Engaged and Secure 

1080P Movable Camera


Auto Laser

DIY Feather 

Full House Mobile Monitoring

Remotely Connects with Your Loved Ones

Pet-Proof Balance, Never Tipped Over 

Check availability



I love this and the cats do as well. It's so cute. Have had it for 3 days and it learns something new everyday. It's easy to maneuver I just don't like he won't go far on his own. I have to drive him to other rooms. My cats pull the feathers out as well. Other than that it's soooo fun and entertaining.


Verified Buyer

The camera working great so far. The voice is cute. And all functions are handy.


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